Monday, August 9, 2010

David Boise and Ted Olson on Sunday Talk Circuit: "The right to marry is a fundamental right." (video)

Watch as Super-Lawyer Ted Olson, half of the dream team that took out Prop 8, appeared on Fox "News" Sunday with Chris Wallace yesterday and handily shot down all of Wallace's right wing arguments against same-sex marriage. Olson points out that anyone's rights, including Wallace's and Fox's right to free speech could be taken away by popular vote, if not for the 14th amendment, asking Wallace, "Would you like Fox's right to free press put up to a vote?".

Meanwhile David Bois appeared on Meet the Press, where he took on Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who lost in last weeks decision. Boise punches all kinds of holes in Perkins' arguments. Watch and learn.

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