Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fehrenbach's DADT Discharge on Hold Pending Appeal

Lt. Col. Victor Feherenbach  has won a stay in his discharge under Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT). The Advocate reported yesterday that Fehernbachs' legal team filed a motion last week seeking a stay in the immanent discharge of the decorated Air Force officer, arguing that the government cannot establish that his continued service on active duty hinders “morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion.”

The Advocate reports, “We are pleased that the Air Force has agreed to preserve the status quo until we can have a full hearing,” said M. Andrew Woodmansee, an attorney at Morrison and Foerster LLP, the law firm representing Fehrenbach in conjunction with the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network. “Of course, we continue to hope that the Air Force will do the right thing and let this war hero continue to serve this country.”

This latest development in the fight to repeal DADT has prompted crotchety old man, Congressman Barney Frank to step out on his front porch and shake his cane at the neighbor kids. Frank, who is the longest serving out, gay representative in our nation's history, but who has failed to lead on LGBT rights, decided to take his testicles out of mothballs yesterday and wrote to Air Force Secretary Michael Donley asking him not to discharge Fehrenbach.

Citing that just about everybody inside and outside the Beltway is now in favor of repealing DADT, Frank writes, “Under any circumstances, the decision to discharge Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach would be not only completely unfair, but a distortion of The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. Now that we have agreement among The President, The House and the Senate Armed Services Committee that the policy should be abolished, it would be an unbelievable travesty of justice to discharge him. I strongly urge you to end the proceedings against Lt. Col. Fehrenbach.”

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