Sunday, September 26, 2010

Katy Perry Fights Back on SNL's "Bronx Beat" (video)

Katy Perry and her boobs are all over the place this week. As I reported here on Friday, her musical number with Elmo was given the heave-ho from Sesame Street due to her low-cut, tits-out dress. She's been on the morning chat show circuit and was  featured in a story/interview on CBS Sunday Morning today, which I'm watching as I write this.

But it was last night's appearance as musical guest on SNL that gave Perry the chance to respond to the uproar over Boobiegate (yes, I just coined a new word).

Some critics this morning are panning her appearance on the 36th season premier over her lack of acting skills and vocals that would have benefited from a dose of Auto-Tune. It doesn't matter. What everyone wanted to see was how writers were going to deal with the controversy. They could have done much better, but instead they chose to pull an old character sketch out of mothballs, as they always do whenever a former cast member comes back as a guest host.

They had the California Girls singer take part in a sketch with host Amy Poehler and special guest and former cast member, Maya Rudolph reprising their "Bronx Beat" roles as bored Bronx housewives with a local access talk show, who kvetch about everyone and everything. Perry plays a neighborhood teen who has "blossomed" over the summer. The hook is that she's wearing a low-cut Elmo t-shirt that she is literally busting out of. Poehler and Rudolph spend the rest of the sketch obsessing over how much their former baby-sitter's boobs have grown.

Katy didn't have many lines in the bit, which made me wonder if maybe they had to cut them due to her lack of acting ability. I found it distracting and disappointing, as I really wanted to hear more from her. SNL really wasted a golden opportunity this time. Anyway, judge for yourself.

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