Thursday, September 30, 2010

G.A.Y.S.: Guys Against You Serving (comedy video)

Rainbow flag flapping in the wind with blue sk...Image via WikipediaPresident Obama and the Democratic Congress has failed to deliver on their promises to the LGBT community. The clock has run out on this legislative session and there's very little chance that any movement on repealing DADT will be made during the post-election, lame duck session in December. 

DADT Repeal is something that 80% of all Americans support. How in the world can a Democratic controlled senate allow itself to be bullied by John "Crotchety Old Man" McCain yelling at the neighbor kids from his front porch?

Call your senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them you won't forget their coardice and broken promises on election day.

Meanwhile, here's a funny take on a serious subject . A star-studded look at bigotry from Funny or Die.

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