Thursday, September 30, 2010

RIP Tony Curtis

During the 1950's the Hollywood studio system was beginning to break down, but the stars of that time were as glamorous as ever. The hot Hollywood couples were, Liz Taylor and Eddie Fisher, Lucy and Desi and Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh.

Any time I think back and try to remember my earliest memories of same-sex attraction, Tony Curtis comes to mind. He was the classic Hollywood leading man and my little gay heart would swoon whenever I saw him in one of the old movies my sister used to watch after school.

There was a lot of speculation over they years that Curtis was gay. In his later years, he would dress in very colorful outfits with matching scarfs, and take on a very over-the-top persona.

The Brooklyn-born Bernie Schwartz, passed away last night at the age of 85. Curtis and the late Janet Leigh were the parents of actress Jamie Lee Curtis. Here is Tony Curtis, along with Jack Lemon and Marilyn Monroe in the Billy Wilder, cross-dressing classic, "Some Like It Hot".
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