Wednesday, September 29, 2010

GLAAD Report SaysTV is Becoming More Queer-Friendly

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) released its annual "Where We Are on TV Report" on Tuesday with the news that LGBT visibility on Prime Time broadcast TV has increased to nearly 4% of all characters.

Of the 2011 - 2012 TV season, the report says:

  • According to the report, 23 LGBT characters will account for 3.9% of scripted series regulars in the 2010-2011 broadcast television schedule, up from 1.1% in 2007, 2.6% in 2008, and 3% in 2009. The number of scripted LGBT series regulars found on mainstream cable networks has rebounded after a two year decline, from 40 in 2007, 32 in 2008, 25 in 2009, to 35 in the upcoming season.
  • The all around leader in LGBT-inclusive programming goes to HBO's "True Blood" which features six regular or recurring queer characters.
  • ABC continues to lead the other broadcast networks in LGBT representation, with 11 LGBT characters out of 152 total series regular characters (7.2%), the highest number and percentage of LGBT characters of any network for the 2010-2011 season.
  • FOX, which in 2007 featured zero series regular LGBT characters at the launch of the season, now offers five LGBT series regulars out of 100 (5%).
  • The CW continues to improve with three LGBT series regular characters out of 67 (4.5%).
  • NBC becomes the only network that saw a decline from last year. The network will feature three series regular LGBT characters (2.1%) out of a total of 143.
  • CBS remains in last place. Out of 125 series regular characters, only one will be LGBT (0.8%), but the network will include several LGBT recurring characters.
For a full list of LGBT characters on broadcast TV, click here. Flor the list of queers on cable, look here.

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