Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Star-studded Marriage Equality Ads to Begin in New York This Week (video)

A woman makes her support of her marriage, and...Image via WikipediaYou would think that a liberal state like New York would have been among the first to recognize the inherent right of its citizens to marry those they love, regardless of gender. Sadly that is not the case. Last year the New York state legislature voted down same-sex marriage even though a majority of Empire State citizens support marriage equality.

This week HRC is kicks off a major ad campaign appealing directly to voters using celebrity spokespeople. The New York Times reports this morning, "The timing of commercials is deliberate, and revealing: With the front-runner in the governor’s race, Andrew M. Cuomo, the Democratic attorney general, pledging his support for same-sex marriage, and the Legislature in Democratic hands, advocates are pushing for a new vote early next year. “We want to build excitement and momentum in advance of that,” said Brian V. Ellner, of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization that is sponsoring the ads."

This one features actress Julianne Moore. Other ads will feature designer Kenneth Cole, actor Kyra Sedgewick, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rev. Al Sharpton.

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