Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paranormal State's Ryan Buell Comes Out as Bisexual

A lot of you have been following this blog for a while now and have befriended me on Face Book. A lot of you are friends of mine in the real world and may think you know me pretty well, but there are some things I haven't shared with anyone but my closest friends.

My deep, dark secret is... I am a big fan of those paranormal, ghost hunting shows, or as my loving husband refers to them, "that ghost shit."

It's true. I have a very eclectic sense of spirituality due to some of the things I've experienced first hand over the years and I am fascinated by ghost stories. I've even done some ghost hunting myself. It seems like the flood gates have opened over the last couple of years with all sorts of paranormal investigation shows and I've seen them all. 

"Ghost Hunters" (the first and still the best), "Ghost Hunters International" (the not so great spin-off), "My Ghost Story", "Celebrity Ghost Stories", "Ghost Adventures" (lame), "Extreme Paranormal" (extremely lame), "Ghost Lab" (a couple of very hot bearish brothers who have their own mobile lab with lots of gadgets) and there's even one on Animal Planet about hauntings involving pets.

Some are better than others, but my all time favorite is the A&E show, Paranormal State, about a group of Penn State students that investigate the paranormal. What I like most about this one is the very cute lead investigator, Ryan Buell. Buell claims to have had some very disturbing ghostly encounters as a child that  motivated him to delve deeper and help others who are being pestered by the dead.

After four successful seasons on A&E (with another season coming up), Ryan Buell has written a memoir in which he has come out as bisexual. As a devout Catholic, Buell has wrestled with his sexuality for some time, telling Entertainment Weekly, “I’ve decided to share my sexuality and struggle over faith in hopes that others will no longer feel as though they are alone or that they can’t be religious.”

I have to say, I'm not surprised at all by this revelation. Paranormal State has always had a very gay vibe to it, mostly due to the psychics they use in their investigations. Chip Coffey (Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal) and Michelle Belanger are two out and proud sensitives that know their way around a grave yard. In one episode, Belanger challenges the ghost of an abusive husband, shouting, "Come on, wife beater! I'm not afraid of you!" You gotta love a lesbian that doesn't take any shit, especially from a ghost.

Say what you want about this genre of "reality" programing, but any time someone comes out and admits publicly that he or she has struggled and continues to struggle with questions of faith and sexuality, somewhere there's a kid out there who feels just a little less alone.
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