Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Breaking: GetEQUAL Protesters Arrested in Capitol Rotunda

Several members of GetEQUAL, the direct action LGBT rights group that staged sit-ins at the Washington, DC and San Francisco offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in March and shut down traffic on the Las Vegas Strip last week, have been arrested after staging a sit-in in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, DC on  Wednesday afternoon. The group called on Pelosi to move forward with a floor vote on the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

GetEQUAL co-founder Robin McGehee said via FaceBook, "We are pressuring Speaker Pelosi to move on ENDA because, while we know that she values the legislation, we have yet to see her show the leadership she's promised in taking ENDA out of committee and moving it through the House."

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