Tuesday, July 6, 2010

London Mayor on Gay Marriage: "Why not?"

From our international desk comes word that London's mayor Boris Johnson has come out in support of full marriage equality. The UK currently only has civil unions, which bloated, over the hill pop star Elton John said was good enough, until his application to adopt a baby was denied last year due to his "unmarried" status.

The Advocate reports:
London Mayor Boris Johnson has voiced his support for same-sex marriage. The conservative politician and journalist voiced his support while discussing London’s plans to host Worldpride in 2012, saying the event would be “the biggest ever”.

“If the Conservatives and Liberals can get together in a national coalition and settle their differences, I don't see why you can't have gay marriage,” he said.

Johnson was responding to a sign being carried in this year’s pride parade by gay rights activist Peter Tatchell. Tatchell told PinkNews.uk: "I'm very pleased. He took one look at it and said, 'why not?' I'm sure his support will add to the pressure to marriage equality."

Johnson is the highest-ranking Tory figure to support marriage equality, and according to reports, his own stand on the issue seems to have evolved. He is quoted as having said same-sex marriage "can only ever be a ludicrous parody of the real thing.”
Personally, I suspect Mayor Johnson's change of heart came about due to his inability to get a decent haircut within the London city limits. I think this is a winning strategy that we should employ here in the states as well. Hairdressers for Marriage Equality!

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