Tuesday, July 6, 2010

CA Congresswoman Predicts ENDA Passage Could Take 5 years

Congresswoman Jackie Speier recently told a crowd at the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club Pride breakfast in San Francisco that DADT will be history this year, but getting ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, passed could take another five years.

In an interview with the Bay Area Reporter following the annual breakfast, Speier broke ranks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has consistently stated that ENDA will pass this year.

From The Bay Area Reporter:
Addressing the crowd of gay and straight political and community leaders at Sunday's Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club Pride breakfast, Speier said, "Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi is doing all she can to ensure a majority for next year so we can pass ENDA."

Asked later in a brief interview if that meant the House would not vote on ENDA this year, Speier told the B.A.R. , "The rest of the year is in question."

"There's no question 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' will be history this year," she said. "ENDA, we will have that law for sure within the next five years."

Speier, a Democrat whose district includes parts of San Mateo and San Francisco counties, said she was acknowledging reality.

"I'm being realistic," she said.

With Congress leaving Washington, D.C. next week for its Fourth of July recess, and the summer recess in August, there's not much time left before members head out on the campaign trail in the fall ahead of the November midterm elections.

Speier also said that right now there are 290 bills in the Senate awaiting action that the House has already passed. Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said Monday that the number was now over 300 bills.

"A lot depends on the Senate," Speier said.
While this is a disappointing -- but not completely unexpected -- development, it is refreshing to hear truth coming from an elected official. I just wish it had come sooner so we could step up our efforts before the 2010 election madness kicks off. Read the full story here.
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