Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gay Mormons Speak Out Against Church's Anti-gay Campaign in Argentina

From The Salt Lake City Tibune:
Affirmation, a support group for gay and lesbian Mormons, is criticizing the LDS Church for its efforts to thwart the legalization of same-sex marriage in Argentina. Last week, Argentina became the first Latin American nation to allow gay marriage. Mexico City also sanctions such unions.
The LDS Church has denied it played an official part in opposing the Argentine law before it was approved by the nation's legislature. But Carlos Aguero, the church's public-affairs director for Argentina, attended a meeting earlier this month with leaders from several conservative Christian churches and anti-gay-marriage groups to plan protests, according to reports in Argentina.
"This is another appalling example of the LDS trying to dominate government decisions being made by democratically elected officials," David Melson, executive director of Affirmation, said in a statement.

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