Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kathy Griffin Reacts to Bristol Palin - Levi Johnston Engagement (video)

You know I loves me some Kathy. When I saw the news reports that born-again virgin Bristol Palin was engaged to her baby-daddy/Playgirl Playmate, Levi Johnston, my first thought was, "I wonder how Kathy is taking the news." Well, actually it was more like, "How's she gonna work this into her act?"

As if she could hear my thoughts, my favorite redhead posted the following video on her YouTube page with these heartfelt words:
Every woman has been where I am today. Raw, emotional and in full hair and makeup. For you broken-hearted people across the world and in parts of lower Wasilla, this one's for you! Keep the faith, keep your swagga.
Kathy Griffin

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