Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hilarious Lady Gaga "Fernando" parody: "You're a Homo" by Sherry Vine (music video)

I found this Lady Gaga parody video on at PinkBananaWorld.com. If you're a closeted, anti-gay politician like Florida Governor Charlie Crist, Rep. David Dreier (R-CA) , former Senator Larry Craig, Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL), to name just a few, you deserve to be outed by any means necessary!

You can check out Sherry Vine's other video parodies at her site www.SherryVine.com.

Warning: Some of the content at SheryVine.com is not suitable for work, children, small pets or uptight, holier-than-thou, right-wing assholes who might be offended by seeing depictions of anything outside the scope of their own tunnel vision.

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