Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Army National Guard Confirms Dan Choi's Discharge

Just 24 hours after Lt. Dan Choi, Robin McGehee and several other GetEQUAL members were arrested on the Vegas Strip for blocking traffic in a direct action aimed at getting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to take action on the passage of ENDA, Metro Weekly has confirmed that Lt. Dan Choi has been officially discharged from the New York Army National Guard.

Metro Weekly reports:
Lt. Col. Rich Goldenberg with the New York National Guard responded to an inquiry from Metro Weekly about the discharge, first reported in the Gay City News, by saying that a certified letter was sent to Choi detailing the honorable discharge and that ''Choi was informed on 29 June'' via a phone message left by his unit commander. Other calls were made to him as well, he said.
Goldenberg acknowledged, ''I do not believe he returned any of their calls,'' but added that ''[t]he New York National Guard made every attempt to make sure that Lt. Choi was fully informed of the action.''
Choi, earlier Wednesday afternoon, apparently responding to the Gay City News report, posted on Twitter, ''No, I have not seen any discharge papers. When/if they come, I'll show and tell.''
Well, Dan, we're waiting. It's a tough break, although we all knew this day was coming since Choi first came out on the Rachel Maddow Show early last year. Choi's bravery in fighting DADT for the last year and a half  has been commendable, but avoiding the phone calls and not opening your mail doesn't make all of this go away. It's time to "man up", accept what's happened, give us your reaction statement and continue the fight. I'm sure Rachel has your chair ready.

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