Friday, November 19, 2010

Lieberman Says There Are Enough Votes to Repeal DADT

The Advocate is reporting that Senator Joe Lieberman said in a press conference Thursday that there are the necessary 60 votes in the senate to pass DADT repeal as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the bill that provides funding for the next year's military operations.

The Advocate's Kerry Eleveld reports:
“I am confident that we have more than 60 votes prepared to take up the defense authorization with the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ if only there will be a guarantee of a fair and open amendment process, in other words, whether we’ll take enough time to do it,” Lieberman told reporters at a press conference, naming GOP senators Susan Collins and Richard Lugar as yes votes. “Time is an inexcusable reason not to get this done.”

Lieberman, an independent, was flanked by 12 of his Democratic colleagues — a core group that seemed intent on urging the Democratic leadership to allow enough room in the Senate schedule for a debate that would be acceptable to Republicans. The senators talked about working over the weekends, and Sen. Mark Udall offered to go straight through until Christmas Eve.
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