Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lady Gaga's New DADT Message to Senators: "Will you keep your word?" (Video)

Lady Gaga's latest video is making news around the world, but not for breaking new ground musically or for her butcher shop fashion sense. Monday night, on the eve of the release of the much-anticipated troop survey on the effects of getting rid of the discriminatory policy, Gaga is once again calling on our leaders to lead.

In the black and white video, which appears to have been shot in her dressing room, Gaga tells her little monsters, "Right now, we're looking at tomorrow [Tuesday] being a very important day for you guys all to really be paying attention."

The pop diva has teamed up with Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) in an effort to launch a major last minute push for repeal during the current lame duck session. "Senators you have been put on notice by me and by the people of this country. You said you would debate and address this law when the Pentagon returned with a strategy and tomorrow morning you will have. Will you keep your word?"

SLDN has posted an instructional video, along with a sample script, to encourage all of us to call our elected reps in the senate to tell them DADT has got to go:

Call the Senate switchboard today.

(202) 224-3121

Example script for your call:

"Hello, my name is ______ and I’m a constituent from __________ (city, state).

I’m calling to tell Senator _______ to prioritize the defense bill with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal included during the lame-duck session. Fight back against Senator John McCain’s opposition and please vote for DADT repeal this year.

Thank you.”

So all you queer Virginians better get on the phone today and tell Senator Mark Warner and Senator Jim Webb, who both said they wanted to wait for the survey results before making up their minds about DADT repeal, to get on board with Senators Reid and Levin ~ and over 70% of the American people ~ and get rid of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. If you live outside of Virginia and don't know who your U.S. senators are, you can find a list of them here on the Senate web site. 

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