Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Madonna tells Ellen Bullying of Gay Kids is Torture. (video)

I'm not sure why Madonna is still on anyone's radar these days. After all the nips, tucks, stretching, facial implants, sand blasting and other structural renovations, there's not much original material left of the Material Girl any more.

However, there are those diehard fans in our community that still hang on her every word and buy her music and go to her over-priced, over-the-top concerts and Madge is showing her appreciation by speaking out about the horror of bullying and LGBT youth suicide and for that she deserves her props. She tells Ellen, “I wouldn’t have a career if it weren’t for the gay community.”

The pop diva appeared on Tuesday's "Ellen" to talk about what it's like to feel different as a teenager and thanks her gay ballet teacher, who took her to her first gay disco and helped her realize that being different is something to celebrate. She compares bullying of queer kids to lynching and the Holocaust, saying, "It’s like lynching black people or Hitler exterminating Jews. Sorry if I’m going on a rampage right now but this is America. The land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Thanks Madge!

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