Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Video: Dan Choi and GetEqual Activists Cap Off Day of Activsm with Arrest at White House Fence

A group of GetEqual protesters, led by Lt. Dan Choi, were arrested Monday after staging yet another DADT protest by chaining themselves to the fence in front of the White House. This was the third time Choi has been arrested for staging such a protest. The event capped off a day that included a visit to the grave site of Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, the first openly gay active duty service member to challenge the military ban on gays serving, and a visit to the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Metro Weekly reports:
''We have served our country valiantly to defend our freedom and justice, and now it is time for our leaders to do the same,'' Choi said.

Referring to President Barack Obama's inaction on DADT repeal, Choi said, ''There is a loud homophobia of those with platforms, and there is a silent homophobia of those who report to be our friends and do nothing.

''Loud homophobia and silent homophobia have the same result. They must be combated and this is what we plan to do today.''

Activists joining Choi at the fence were Michael Bedwell, Cadet Mara Boyd, U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Justin Elzie, Catholic priest Fr. Geoff Farrow, U.S. Army Arab Linguist Ian Finkenbinder, Dan Fotou of GetEQUAL, Get Equal director Robin McGehee, Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Miriam Ben-Shalom, U.S. Army veteran Rob Smith, Cpl. Evelyn Thomas and Scott Wooledge. Bedwell held a Time magazine cover of Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, whose grave Get Equal had visited early in the morning on Monday.
Video via the Huffington post:

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