Monday, November 29, 2010

New Delhi Pride Draws 2000

The Times of India reports that 2000 LGBT Indians turned out to celebrate to first Delhi Queer Parade since the Indian government struck down the law that made homosexuality a crime. The Times reports, "As Bharat, a lawyer who came out of the closet last year, said, 'Last year, we had ordered 1,000 masks which most participants wore. This year, we got only 300. No one wanted to hide behind a mask.'"

More from The Times of India:
The change was more than apparent at the parade where not only members of LGBT community participated but a huge number of supporters also turned up for the annual event. Said Rati, "I have come here today to support my friends, several of whom are homosexuals. Acceptance is the need of the hour."

Acceptance, in fact, was the buzzword on the street as the colourful parade moved down to Jantar Mantar with several passersby joining in. Said Raman Shukla, who had come to CP to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon with his wife but decided to join the parade. "We don't know anyone here at the parade but still decided to join as we strongly feel for the cause. Also, it is fun to see so much colour and excitement among the people,"he said. People could be seen dancing on the beats of the 'dhol' even as participants put their best foot forward for all the amateur and professional photographers.

Said Mohnish, one of the speakers at the parade, "Originally, the word queer was a slur for those deviating from society's definition of sexually normal behaviour. This parade though has reclaimed the word to empower, celebrate and unite who are marginalised because of their gender identity."

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