Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DADT Survey Results to be Released Today

Well, guys and gals, the long wait is finally over. The Pentagon Working Group's study on the effects of repealing the seventeen-year-old anti-gay policy banning open service by queer military personnel will be released later today.

Based on early leaks of portions of the survey, 70% of active duty service members and their families believe that repealing DADT would have positive, mixed or no impact.This is roughly the same percentage of the American public that want the law repealed.

CNN reports this morning:
Washington (CNN) -- A majority of U.S. service members surveyed do not care if the law banning openly gay and lesbian troops from serving is repealed, according to a source knowledgeable with the results of the Pentagon study. Members of Congress are to get an advance look at the study Tuesday.

The number opposing lifting the ban -- known as "don't ask, don't tell" -- fearing negative results "is very small when compared to those who say it will have positive or mixed results, or no effect at all," the source explained.

However, the source cautioned about taking the results as a true reflection of the entire force. The low number of respondents, just 28 percent of those who were sent the survey, means "the study only represents views, it doesn't mean everyone feels this way."

The report was ordered by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to examine the impact of a repeal of the law and what the military would need to do to implement it. The Pentagon is publishing the results Tuesday afternoon, after briefing Congress.

The report authors sent surveys to 400,000 service members, but only 115,000 responded. A separate survey went to military families. The survey is just part of the report fact finding, which also included small town halls and an anonymous online comment box for gay troop members to provide insight without revealing their identity.

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