Sunday, July 5, 2009

Anti-gay Marion Barry Charged with Stalking

The Associated Press reports that anti-gay DC City Councilman and former mayor-for-life Marion Barry has been arrested and charged with stalking:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Police say former Washington Mayor Marion Barry has been arrested and charged with stalking a woman.

The United States Park Police said Barry, a current D.C. Council member, was arrested Saturday in Washington after a woman flagged down an officer and complained that Barry was stalking her.

Barry was charged with misdemeanor stalking and released.

A message left seeking comment from a spokeswoman for Barry wasn't immediately returned early Sunday.

Barry served four terms as mayor. In his third, he was videotaped in 1990 in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine in an FBI sting. He served six months in prison and in 1994 regained the mayor's office."


  1. Hmm he was a gay rights mayor. Innocent I assume until proven otherwise.

  2. Stephen:

    Mayor Crackhead is hardly a friend of the community. He has whole-hog enbraced the homophobic black churches that are trying their best to see to it that DC reverses its law that allows G&L marriages done in other states (say Vermont)to be valid in DC.

    Just Google "Marion Barry anti-marriage" and see what you get.
