Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Effort to Repeal DOMA Focuses on Marriage Rights, not Domestic Partnerships or Civil Unions

In an interview with the Bay Area Reporter, Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) talks about his effort to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

Nadler, who lead the effort to defeat the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have codified anti-gay discrimination into the U.S. Constitution, said in the interview, "We have got to repeal DOMA and have got to make sure it accomplishes for federal purposes allowing the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages. The time for dumping DOMA is long overdue."

Nadler's fight to achieve federal recognition of same-sex marriages does not include civil unions or domestic partnerships. The congressman explained that including those state-recognized relationships would make things too complicated as each state has a different definition of what they are. He said that focusing on the ultimate goal, full marriage equality, is the best course of action.

"Historically domestic partnerships and other relationships have been an interregnum until we get to marriage, which we need to push for as soon as possible," said Nadler. He would not speculate on the legislation's chances of passage, adding, "We have to see what reaction we get. It won't pass this year."

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