Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WV Lawmakers Considering Constitutional Ban on Same-sex Marriage

Charleston, WV - The Charleston Gazette reports that state legislators are in the process of proposing a voter referendum on a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between one man and one woman. Democratic delegates blocked a vote on the measure in March. The WV Senate Judiciary Committee will meet on July 14th to discuss the issue. West Virginia already has a version of the Defense of Marriage Act on the books.

(From the Charleston Gazette)

"Family Policy Council of West Virginia President Jeremiah Dys and a representative of the Alliance Defense Fund -- a conservative organization that says it seeks to 'aggressively defend religious liberty' -- will speak in favor of the amendment, Dys said.

'We're thankful that the Legislature is setting aside time to carefully study this issue,' he said. 'To my knowledge, this is the first time the West Virginia Legislature has ever officially discussed the Marriage Protection Amendment.'

Fairness West Virginia board President Stephen Skinner and a representative of the ACLU of West Virginia will speak against a constitutional amendment, Skinner said.

'I think it's important to get out there and have some of these conversations in a public way,' Skinner said. 'Lesbian and gay people are not threatening quote-unquote traditional marriage.'"

I can't help but wonder if West Virginia's LGBT community will stand up for themselves or roll over and play dead like Virginia's queers did in 2006 when their rights were taken away by popular vote.

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