Friday, July 3, 2009

Comedians Mourn Palin's Resignation

The Huffington Post's Andy Borowitz:

ANCHORAGE (The Borowitz Report) -- Moments after Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced her resignation from office, comedians from coast to coast held candlelight vigils to mourn what one comic called "a devastating loss."

"To say that we are heartbroken is a massive understatement," said Shecky Sheinbaum, a regular headliner at Cincinnati's Laugh Hut. "I feel like the chicken crossing the road has been run over by a truck before it gets to the other side."

Mr. Sheinbaum echoed the words of many comics when he said "the world of comedy has lost one of its greatest targets."

"We have gone though a rough couple of weeks," he said. "First Michael Jackson, now this."

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