Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bombings, Gay-bashing Mar Out Games

"(From Reports of as many as three explosive devices detonated in two track stadiums of the Outgames in Copenhagen, leaving one person with minor injuries.

Before the men’s 4x200 track relay in the afternoon, two bombs were thrown onto the track exploding instantly, according to a witness in an e-mail obtained by The Advocate. An Outgames athlete was taken to hospital with injuries to his right hand from flying shrapnels, He was later released from the hospital, and is expected to recover.

Participants from the field were unharmed but a little shaken up.

Less than an hour later, a second bomb was thrown in another stadium. Luckily, no one was injured, but track events were delayed for 90 minutes.

Police now have a 31-year-old man in custody.

This is the second violent incident in less than a week for the Outgames.

Three men -- from England, Sweden, and Norway -- were attacked in the Danish capital, during opening-night ceremonies. All three victims were taken to a hospital where they were later released with minor injuries. Police arrested two men, who were believed to have been inebriated. Both suspects held criminal records and were expected to remain in custody for the remainder of the event.

The Federation of Gay Games are standing in solidarity with OutGames organizers, condemning these violent attacks.

Copenhagen has a reputation as one of the most LGBT friendly places on Earth. Even there, we are reminded that our community still faces those that would deny us our basic human rights, even the freedom to run in a track meet in safety. But we will not be discouraged; rather, we will run, swim, jump, throw, grapple, volley and perform at events like the Gay Games and OutGames, celebrating our right to love who we want,” Gay Games organizers said in a release."

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