Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reaching Out

It's really encouraging to see so many hits on the Cyber-Pulpit from all across the U.S. and around the world. Some are random searches that lead people here and some are direct hits from folks who seem to like what I'm doing. Thanks to all of you for your support.

I invite you all to leave a comment or send an e-mail to to let me know what you think about my pet project. I'm always open to new topics or ways to improve the site.

There's one particular daily hit that means a lot to me from the small town of Lexington Park, MD, home of the Pawtuxant Naval Air Station. I went to school just down the road from there at St. Mary's College. It's a beautiful part of the state where the Potomac River meets the Chesapeake Bay and I have family in that area. I'd love to hear from you.

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