Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trans Woman Dead Following Voodoo Cleansing Ritual


"LUCILLE HAMILTON paid $621 to have her 'spiritual grime' removed by a voodoo high priest in an ordinary townhouse on a winding street in Camden County, a friend said.

Hamilton, 21, a male living as a woman, flew in on Friday from her home in Little Rock, Ark., to the house on Loch Lomond Drive in Gloucester Township [New Jersey], friends said, to take part in a three-day spiritual cleansing referred to on the priest's Web site as 'Lave Tet.'

By Saturday night Hamilton was dead, and authorities are awaiting results of an autopsy and toxicology tests to determine exactly what happened. No charges have been filed.

Although authorities have not called Hamilton's death suspicious, her friends are eager to know what went wrong.

'I'm still trying to find a scenario that makes sense,' said Billie Miller, Hamilton's boss at Arkansas Flag and Banner, in Little Rock. 'I can't come up with anything that makes sense.'"

Read the full article here. Be sure to check out the hateful, homophobic, anti-trans comments following the article from the "Jesus is Love" folks.

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