Thursday, July 9, 2009

Update: More Superheroes Running For DC Mayor

As I reported yesterday, lesbian superhero, Batwoman announced her candidacy for the office of mayor of Washington, DC.

Raw Story is now reporting that nearly all of the Justice League as well as Marvel superhero, Spider-Man are also seeking crackhead/stalker Marion Barry's old job.

Update: I have personally received emails from both the Batwoman and Green Lantern camps asking for my support and a comment on this posting from someone named "Clark" urging me to support Superman.

Having grown up on Justice League comic books, and because the Marvel superhero movies and the last two Batman movies totally rocked, I feel compelled to remain neutral.

"DC Comics characters The Atom, Batgirl, Batwoman, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Superman and Wonder Woman, as well as Marvel Comics favorite Spider-Man, are running for mayor of the District of Columbia in a mock election put on by a campaign training organization.

The eight superhero candidates are "battling it out to determine who can lead our fair city through crucial issues ranging from the budget to the goings-on of evil villains," jovially reports Roll Call.

But, the paper adds, the campaign "is turning increasingly bitter, with the superheroes attacking each other via Twitter and in Web videos that are quickly going viral."

The New Organizing Institute is putting on the race, meant to teach the use of traditional campaign messaging tactics with new online tools---and a dose of irreverence.

Green Lantern, for example, highlights his capture of former D.C. mayor (and "local nuisance") Marion Berry as he accosted a woman in the night.

The Atom, meanwhile, spoofs Fox host Bill O'Reilly's notorious profanity-filled outtake in a NSFW video viewable here.

All the candidates' Web pages are gathered here.

Voting commences Friday on the NOI Web site. DC and Marvel do not appear to be involved in or condoning the faux contest."

1 comment:

  1. With all due respect, Clark, I think you might be a little bit biased. You know, you'd be really hot without the glasses. Have you thought about Lasik?.
