Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Coming up later this week: Roanoke LGBT-rights activist tries to make a difference

I've written before about my frustration over the apparent lack of concern among Roanoke's LGBT community about their own civil rights. The "Star City" is a charming little oasis in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains that has become a magnet for queer folks from all over southern Virginia, West Virginia and northeastern Tennessee.

But when it comes to fighting for equality, in that fine southern tradition, Roanoke's Rainbow Tribe doesn't like to rock the boat. It has been an unending source of frustration for me that our LGBT community seems all too willing to accept second class status.

One of my ongoing goals with this blog has been to include more local stories, which can be difficult when there's not much going on. Tomorrow night I'll be interviewing local LGBT-rights activist Frank House. Frank has a long history of activism and community involvement and I can't wait to hear his stories, which I'll share with you here later in the week.

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