Monday, September 28, 2009

Video: Kiss-in Brings Shopping Mall to a Halt in Gay Paris

LGBT Parisians staged a five minute Kiss-in at the Forum des Halles on Saturday during a busy shopping day, bringing the packed shopping mall to a stand still. The Kiss-in was a protest against homophobia in the city's gay district, Le Marais.

Paul and I stayed at a hotel just across the plaza from the massive underground mall on our trip to Paris five years ago. The plaza has a beautiful and very large fountain and is frequent site of peaceful political demonstrations due to its high foot traffic. We witnessed one such protest on our vacation by an Indian group. We weren't sure what they were protesting against or demonstrating for, as neither of us speaks French.

You may not understand the interviews at the end of this video unless you retained anything you learned in high school French class, but you'll get the message from the first half.

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