Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Wave Wednesday: "She Blinded Me With Science", by Thomas Dolby

British musician Thomas Robertson made a name for himself as Thomas Dolby in the early 80's with his hit "She Blinded Me With Science". At the time, it was rumored he was the son of Dr. Ray Dolby, inventor of Dolby Stereo, which set the standard for noise reduction sound technology.

Wikipedia explains it this way:

"The "Dolby" nickname comes from the name Dolby Laboratories, and was given to him by school friends for his seemingly inseparable relationship with his cassette machine. Dolby Laboratories was reportedly very displeased with Robertson using the company name as his own stage name (especially for his "Dolby's Cube" moniker in 1985-86) and sued him, trying to stop him from using the name Dolby entirely. (Ironically, inventor Dr. Ray Dolby has a son named Thomas.) Eventually, the case was settled out of court and it was agreed that he would refrain from using the word Dolby in any context other than with the name Thomas."

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