Monday, September 28, 2009

Video: No on 1 Fights Back in Maine

Protect Maine Equality released a No on 1 ad Friday in response to misleading claims made earlier this week by antigay group Stand for Marriage Maine's Yes on 1 campaign. No on 1 is the campaign to defeat Question 1, a November ballot measure that would repeal the state’s new marriage equality law.

The ad by Yes on 1 employed the same strategy used in California to pass Proposition 8 last year, arguing that marriage equality would lead to same-sex marriage promotion in school curriculum. Robb and Robin Wirthlin, a Massachusetts couple opposed to marriage equality, appear in both the Maine and California ads.

Now, No on 1 warns Maine residents to be aware of “outsiders” who make “false claims about what’s taught in Maine classrooms.”

Check out the full response from No on 1.

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