Tuesday, September 1, 2009

UPDATE: Local Media Reports on BlogActive's Outing of SC Lt. Gov.

As I reported last night, blogger Michael Rogers wrote a story on BlogActive accusing South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, an unmarried, conservative, anti-gay, Republican of being a down-low closet case.

Rogers states that he has interviewed numerous sources that he believes are credible and boasts of his 100% record of outing closeted gay politicians with anti-gay agendas. Two of Rogers' most notable targets are Colorado Sen. Larry Craig and Florida Congressmen Mark Foley. Both of the Republican anti-gays later resigned in disgrace when their same-sex shenanigans were made public.

Gov. Mark Sanford may be forced to resign under pressure from both Republicans and Democrats, due to the exposure several weeks ago of his extramarital Latin American affair and the associated travel expenses, allegedly paid for by SC taxpayers. If that happens, Bauer will step in to serve out the remainder of his term.

Even if Gov. Sanford doesn't resign, he is unlikely to run for re-election, leaving the door open for Bauer to launch his own campaign to lead the state.

Apparently a lot of bloggers picked up on the story; at least 17 of us according to WIS News 10 in Columbia, SC:

"Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer wants to talk about where he would take the state if Gov. Mark Sanford leaves office. And unless Sanford decides to step down soon, making Bauer his successor, the lieutenant governor will likely run for the number one job.

But since his remarks on the subject last week, Bauer has become a target -- first, accusations on a web site claiming that the 40-year-old bachelor is gay.

That post has been picked up and repeated on other sites. We found at least 17 of them, all despite Bauer's previous denials. On Tuesday came strong condemnation from some of Bauer's closest advisers.

Said communications director Frank Adams, "Rumors, gossip, lies, innuendo....a bunch of scurrilous crap."

Another consultant called the claim a "hatchet job."

It's a frustrating situation for Bauer and, potentially, any candidate.

"There's really almost unlimited power or license that they have now on the web or on the blogs where they can pretty much say anything," said USC's Dr. Robert Oldendick. "And you can either choose to ignore it or, if it gets enough momentum, to say, 'well this is really something we need to deal with,' then just address it."

In June, Bauer did address an earlier round of rumors about whether he is gay. Said Bauer, "One word, two letters. No."

The report failed to mention one other aspect of the story. BlogActive's record on outing GOP homophobic hypocrites. One number, no letters: 100%

(Is that guy's name really "Oldendick"? ROFLMFAO!!)

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