Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cool Site of the Week: "Bitchy Old Queen"

Today's cool site of the week is actually several blogs. The one that first caught my attention is called "Bitchy Old Queen". Coming from the mind of Rev. Steve follower Lyndon Evans, this blog calls itself "the news magazine 60 Minutes wishes it could be".

If you're a fan of snarkiness, sarcasm and comedic social commentary, and you must be or you wouldn't be reading this, then you should definitely check out Bitchy Old Queen (BOQ) for its mix of odd and funny videos, unique slant on events of the day and frequent lapses into Lol-Cat speak.

When I looked more deeply into the background of BOQ creator, Lyndon Evans, I was struck by the seemingly unending list of accomplishments. Through his online publishing company, Artlyn Entertainment, based in Danbury, CT, Lyndon has created quite and impressive web-based empire with BOQ, LGBT NewsCenter, Copwatch and FOCUS.

From his bio at

He was a contributor to the AP Wire Service and AP Radio, did stringer work for WPOP-AM in Hartford which at the time was an all news station, did occasional stringer work for WCBS-AM in New York City and the ABC Sports Radio Network. Many of his reports for AP Radio and ABC Radio were heard around the United States.

For three consecutive years, 1977 – 1979, he was cited for his reporting by the Associated Press in Connecticut, reaching his highest honor in 1979 for providing Best Sports Coverage.

Regarding his entry into blogs for the LGBT community, he said, “I fell into creating LGBT blogs both as link sources and commentary. It has been a well chosen decision.”

What else can I say but "Wow". Thanks for following Rev. Steve's Cyber-Pulpit. You are truly an inspiration.
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