Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Navy officials downplay report of brutal abuse of gay sailor

(From LGBTQ News)
"Two years after naval investigators uncovered a hazing scandal inside a Bahrain-based canine unit, Navy officials told Associated Press Tuesday that they are now reviewing how officials handled the case. An investigation in 2007 uncovered brutal abuse of a gay sailor, numerous cases of violent attacks, and sex crimes.

But that’s not enough for Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), a retired Admiral, who has written a letter to the Secretary of the Navy requesting an inquiry into the promotion of a Chief Petty Officer, Michael Toussaint, who allegedly oversaw and participated in the two-year train of abuses against the gay sailor and other members of his unit.

Days before Tuesday’s announcement, Navy officials told the military paper Stars & Stripes last week that as far as they are concerned, the case is closed, an embarrassing one-time problem that is now completely in the past. The officials told the paper that they couldn’t say whether anyone was ever disciplined or demoted."
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