Monday, September 7, 2009

FaceBook: My new addiction

Several weeks ago I got an e-mail alert saying someone had sent a message to my FaceBook page. Honestly, I'd forgotten that I had one. I had set up an account last year at some point but had never done anything with it. I checked the message and found it was from someone I really wasn't interested in reconnecting with, but decided to finish my profile and see if I could find people I know.

Over the last month, I've become hooked. I have 75 friends, mostly made up of family members, coworkers, bloggers, other political junkies and artists. I'd love it if my blog readers (both of you) would look up my page and add me as a friend (Click here.) It's a great way to interact and get your feedback.

You have to have a FaceBook account to view profiles, but it's free to set one up. Would love to hear from you.

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