Monday, December 27, 2010

Biden: Gay marriage is "inevitable." (video)

Good morning from a very frigid and snowbound Morning Wood Acres! I hope you all got what you wanted for the winter holiday of your preference.

You may remember that before all the holiday insanity took hold of the planet last week, our president gave us the gift of signing DADT repeal. What you might have missed is that in the aftermath there was some Q&A press time where the Big O was asked about marriage equality. His response was that in light of the progress that's been made in the last couple of years (albeit, without his help), his views are "evolving".

Vice President Joe Biden, appearing on "Good Morning America" on Friday, where George Stephanopoulos asked him about several subjects, including marriage equality. Biden made reference to the president's remarks and added, "the country's evolving, and there's inevitability for a national consensus on gay marriage. That is my view."

President Obama has said he wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), but will not say publicly whether he believes the law is unconstitutional. With the political shift in DC after the November elections, there is little hope of repeal for at least the next two years, although there are court challenges making their way to the Supreme Court, where the law may be done away with. For the record, Biden voted for DOMA back in 1993.

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