Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Hanukkah!

It just occurred to me that today is the second day of Hanukkah and I have forgotten to extend best wishes to my Jewish friends. It's nothing personal. I'm just not real big on the holidays in general.

I did find out during the past year that I may very well be 1/16th Jewish on my mother's side, which I think totally rocks. It may explain why I never really felt comfortable in the Catholic Church. Well, that and all the gay-hating and child molesting stuff.

So, here's wishing a very Happy Festival of Lights to the folks who have contributed so much to American culture, like The Three Stooges, The Marx brothers, Adam Sandler, Fran Drescher, schmoozing, kibitzing yentas, and the bagel! As they say here in the south, Mazel Tov, ya'll!
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