Tuesday, December 7, 2010

With just days left, will DADT repeal happen?

With the clock ticking down on the remaining 10 days of the lame duck legislative session, is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid more interested in heading home for the holidays than fulfilling his promise to end DADT? According to reports, repeal doesn't appear anywhere on the legislative calendar.

The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart reports that some legislators are willing to roll up their sleeves and work through the holidays to get this done:
Yesterday, I called on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to keep the chamber in session until it acted on the shameful policy, which is part of the larger defense authorization bill known as NDAA. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) endorsed the idea. As did Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), who said in a release, "I'm willing to stay through Christmas and New Year's, if that's what it takes" to get work done on NDAA and other issues. By the afternoon, Reid gave a floor speech where he urged his colleagues to "roll up our sleeves - not dig in our heels" in "the final weeks of this year...."

The vagueness of Reid's timetable is noteworthy because he had set Dec. 17 as the Senate's adjournment date. President Obama, scheduled to take off for Christmas vacation in Hawaii on Dec. 18, must tell the Senate he's willing to stick around. He delayed his departure last year to ensure the Senate passed the health-care reform bill. What's at stake in the NDAA is no less important.
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