Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Patient Cured of HIV After Stem Cell Transplant!

This is a major breakthrough in the search for a cure for HIV/AIDS! Timothy Ray Brown, who, until recently was only known as "The Berlin Patient", was an HIV positive American man living in Germany. Brown underwent a grueling course of chemotherapy, radiation and two stem cell transplants over the course of  over two years to treat his leukemia. The added bonus of the treatment is that he now has no trace of HIV in his body at all. reports:
Doctors who carried out a stem cell transplant on an HIV-infected man with leukaemia in 2007 say they now believe the man to have been cured of HIV infection as a result of the treatment, which introduced stem cells which happened to be resistant to HIV infection.

The man received bone marrow from a donor who had natural resistance to HIV infection; this was due to a genetic profile which led to the CCR5 co-receptor being absent from his cells. The most common variety of HIV uses CCR5 as its ‘docking station’, attaching to it in order to enter and infect CD4 cells, and people with this mutation are almost completely protected against infection.

The case was first reported at the 2008 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Boston, and Berlin doctors subsequently published a detailed case history in the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2009.

They have now published a follow-up report in the journal Blood, arguing that based on the results of extensive tests, “It is reasonable to conclude that cure of HIV infection has been achieved in this patient.”
It's pretty technical stuff, but this is huge! The report goes on to say that this therapy has been used in a total of ten patients at this point, with identical results in all ten of them.

The treatment has taken a physical toll on Brown, who gave an interview with Stern Magazine this week. (following is the English translation from :
The `Berlin patient`, Timothy Ray Brown, a US citizen who lives in Berlin, was interviewed this week by German news magazine Stern.

His course of treatment for leukaemia was gruelling and lengthy. Brown suffered two relapses and underwent two stem cell transplants, as well as a serious neurological disorder that flared up when he seemed to be on the road to recovery.

The neurological problem led to temporary blindness and memory problems. Brown is still undergoing physiotherapy to help restore his coordination and gait, as well as speech therapy.

Friends have noticed a personality change too: he is much more blunt, possibly a disinhibition that is related to the neurological problems.

On being asked if it would have been better to live with HIV than to have beaten it in this way he says “Perhaps. Perhaps it would have been better, but I don’t ask those sorts of questions anymore.”

Timothy Brown is now considering a move from Berlin to Barcelona or San Francisco, and, reports Stern magazine, enjoying a drink and a cigarette.

Stern also interviewed Dr Gero Hütter, who was in charge of Timothy Brown’s treatment. Dr Hütter told Stern that as a scientist he was “in the right place, at the right time” and that “for me it is important to have overthrown the dogma that HIV can never be cured. Something like this is the greatest thing one can achieve in medical research”.

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1 comment:

  1. I have read also of this case. It offers hope to many. Also..with the cost of medications...sometimes 60,000/yr for some patients, this should be looked at as economically beneficial as well. One has to wonder why this treatment procedure hasn't been taken much further along/developed than it has in light of it's potential to save so many lives. Many,myself included,are cynical regarding the motives and actions of current drug they want a "cure" and to what lengths would they go to slow that process down ?
