Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Viking Zombie Boyfriend, By Jeremy Rizza (12-22-10)

Christmas is coming, the rubes are getting fat. Please put a penny in the old silk hat... or whatever.

It's a song about busking (singing in the street for loose change) during the holidays. 

"Over the Top" would be Rorik's middle name, if he had one, or even a last name. So this week he once again takes to the street corner to bestow his gift of holiday song unto an unsuspecting public, this time with a little something extra.

Jeremy writes: "Although I personally cannot stand Mannheim Steamroller and Trans-Siberian Orchestra -- the 'Hooked on Classics' of Christmas music -- I know Rorik would think they’re totally awesome.  ‘Cause, y’know... explosions." 

Click the image to enlarge. Visit for past strips, character back stories and cool VZB merchandise. Became a fan by visiting the VZB FaceBook page. 

Posted with the permission of the artist.
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