Wednesday, December 8, 2010

UPDATE: Reid Says He'll Take Up Defense Bill This Evening

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced this afternoon that he we take up the NDAA, the defense spending bill that includes DADT repeal, later this afternoon or possibly this evening.
Via San Diego Gay and Lesbian News:
WASHINGTON – Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., plans to call up the defense bill containing the DADT repeal later today.

Reid announced his plans during a speech on the Senate floor this morning.

“I’m likely going to move to my motion to reconsider on the Defense Authorization Act this evening. Allowing, as I will indicate at that time, time for amendments to that piece of legislation,” Reid said.

Advocates of the DADT repeal are concerned, however, that this sudden development could backfire because they have not had enough time to persuade enough Republicans to support the effort.

“We expect Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will try again today to take up the defense bill that includes repeal. Reid is actively reaching out to his Republican colleagues to reach an agreement on how to proceed,” said Army veteran Aubrey Sarvis, executive director for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.

“We also know from Hill sources the President is actively working today’s vote with key Republican senators. Today the Senate has an opportunity to make the nation’s defense funding and our service members a higher priority than tax cuts for millionaires,” he said.
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