Thursday, December 16, 2010

Viking Zombie Boyfriend, By Jeremy Rizza (12-16-10)

Why is it that we can march in the streets of  Washington, wear outrageous outfits to publicly show our pride every year, call, email and text our elected representatives to demand our writes, but we still have to de-gay the house when our folks visit? 

Jeremy writes: "Just to get it out of the way: Dill’s lump is on his arm, and it will turn out to be a harmless cyst.  An older version of the script had that information but I figured it was funnier if I had DeLugg interrupt Dill while his condition still sounded serious.  But I still wanted to explain what was going on with the lump, since I won’t be following up on it in the strip.  This isn’t going to turn into a gay 'Funky Winkerbean.'

DeLugg’s exorcisin’ mom is based on the mother of a friend of mine.  The poor guy."
More from Jeremy: "Oh, and since I didn’t really have room to show it in the strip, here is DeLugg’s whole winter ensemble."

Click on the images to enlarge. Visit for past strips, character back stories and cool VZB merchandise. Posted with the permission of the artist.
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