Tuesday, December 28, 2010

He shall be Levon! Elton John and David Furnish welcome their first child.

Pop legend Sir Elton John (62) and his partner David Furnish (48) are now a couple of proud poppas. The duo told Us Weekly that their son, Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John, was born on Christmas day to a surrogate and weighed in at 7 lbs., 15 ounces.

Us Weekly mistakenly reported that the couple were married in 2005. They actually had a civil union ceremony in the UK, which does not offer same-sex marriage. The singer angered a lot of his gay fans in recent years by saying that American gays and lesbians should be satisfied with civil unions and not push for full marriage equality.

John and Furnish were denied their application to adopt a Ukrainian HIV positive baby in 2009, as the Ukraine only allows adoption by married couples and did not recognize their civil union.

Baby Zachary was born in California and a representative for the two said the identity of the surrogate will not be released in order to protect her privacy.
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