Friday, December 11, 2009

Cool Site of the Week: "Retro 60's"

For most people, the 1960's were a drug crazed decade devoted to civil rights protests, the anti-war movement, riots in the streets and free love.

For me, it was all of the above and so much more. It was the Beatles on "The Ed Sullivan Show", watching Elvis movies at the local cinema on Saturday afternoons, seeing youngsters Goldie Hawne and Lily Tomlin on "Rowen and Martin's Laugh-In", thrilling to spy shows on TV like "The Man from UNCLE" (Robert Vaughn and David McCallum), "The Girl from UNCLE" (Stephanie Powers), pop art from Andy Warhole and Peter Maxx and a nonstop barrage of a psychedelic sub-culture.

In short, it was my early childhood (which sort of explains a lot).

Thanks to the latest effort from my good friend, blogger Lyndon Evans at Artlyn Entertainment, we can all relive the Swingin' 60's with all the fun and clarity of an LSD flashback on his latest blog, "Retro 60's".

Every day you'll find posts about the breaking news of the time, the milestones, fads, music, fashions, and lingo from the decade that gave us "Star Trek", "Get Smart", the Afro, bell bottoms, Nehru jackets, love beads, the peace sign, and the Watts Riots. I don't know where he finds all this stuff, but I hope Lyndon keeps it up. Check it out here.
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1 comment:

  1. "This Day In History" helps and thank goodness for You Tube and Goggle Image search.


    The check's in the mail.
