Friday, December 18, 2009

Jury to Deliberate Today in Roanoke Neo-Nazi Case

I don't know about you guys, but I am sick to death of the Roanoke region only making national news because of racism, hate crimes, bigotry, school shootings, corrupt school officials, homophobic politicians and back-woods 19th century thinking in general. What's it going to take for the rational people of the commonwealth to take control Virginia and move us into the 21st century??

Our state motto is "Virginia is for Lovers". Really? Prove it! Hangin' is too good for this piece of filth. reports:
"William A. White could learn as early as today whether the free speech rights of a racist agitator will make him a free man.

When the trial for White, a neo-Nazi leader charged with threatening people from across the country, resumes this morning in Roanoke's federal court, the jury is expected to hear closing arguments and then begin deliberating.

The question will be whether the words of White -- delivered by telephone, letter, e-mail and online, but never in person -- amounted to "true threats" as defined by federal law.

If the jury finds that White stopped short of making threats, the First Amendment will protect his practice of using the Internet to promote his white supremacist views while targeting those who offend them.

White, the self-proclaimed commander of the Roanoke-based American National Socialist Workers Party, has been held without bond almost continuously since he was arrested in October 2008."
Read the full story here.
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