Thursday, December 3, 2009

This Queer Little Planet: Have your same-sex wedding on Mt. Everest

Mount Everest from Kalapatthar.Image via Wikipedia
You might have missed this one, I know I did. While we've been duking it out here in the states over ballot initiatives and legislative successes and failures, the tiny Himalayan country of Nepal approved same-sex marriage last month. Now, thanks to Nepal's first openly gay member of parliament, LGBT couples from around the world can now get married on the slope of Mt Everest.

According to the web site, "Nepal's first and only openly gay member of parliament Sunil Babu Pant has started the republic's first travel agency by, for and of the gay community that is asking homosexual, lesbian and transgender couples worldwide to come and get married in Nepal as well as enjoy their honeymoon in the midst of adventure sports, breathtaking sceneries and the country's colourful gay community." 

Pant says, "For gay couples who want a memorable wedding, we are offering to hold it at the Everest base camp. Or it can be in Mustang" (Nepal's northernmost district that was once part of an ancient Tibetan kingdom).

"We are offering lavish bridal processions on elephant back and a glittering package for the bride that includes exotic bridal gowns as well as makeup."

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