Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Queer Little Planet: Uganda to Drop Life Sentance, Death Penalty for Gays?

I've been following the events in Uganda's "Kill the Gays" bill a lot lately and reporting what I find out here, so this week's "This Queer Little Planet" post is not as unique a story as I usually like, but WTF.

That being said, is reporting a major development in the Uganda story. Bloomberg's Fred Ojambo reports that Ugandan lawmaker's have decided to drop the death penalty/life in prison part of the their anti-gay legislation, due in large part to international pressure and the urging of evangelicals (who started all this) to take a kinder, gentler approach to homophobia.

(From Uganda will drop the death penalty and life imprisonment for gays in a refined version of an anti- gay bill expected to be ready for presentation to Parliament in two weeks, James Nsaba Buturo, the minister of ethics and integrity, said.

The draft bill, which is under consideration by a parliamentary committee, will drop the two punishments to attract the support of religious leaders who are opposed to these penalties, Buturo said today in a phone interview from the capital, Kampala.

 Details are still sketchy, but reports are that the revised bill will include conversion therapy to “attract errant people to acceptable sexual orientation,” said Buturo.

It is a sad state of affairs when a government's compassion for its people is measured by its willingness to not kill them. Can't you feel the love?
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