Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Viking Zombie Boyfriend, by Jeremy Rizza 12-29-09

Occasionally, Jeremy will provide some commentary or explanation about the characters appearing in the strip. When available, I'll include them here.

"It’s Kagami! Hooray! Kagami started out as a one-joke character, but I always liked her positivity.  That’s probably because I’m a reformed pessimist, and I see a lot of myself in her.  I think she has a lot of potential, and so I’ll be developing her quite a bit this year.  Her upbeat nature makes her a good foil for my grumpy daddy-bear, Rorik.  This strip also serves as my official attempt at rehabilitating Cinnamon.  Formerly a joke character who appeared as the punchline of the 11/17/08 strip, Cinnamon’s resemblance to Dill now has a darned good excuse: she’s family! She’s not dating Kagami anymore, but she can still show up in the strip now and then.  The bar is inspired by one I’ve been going to with my kick-ass boyfriend, Chris.  We went there on our first date, last July 4th! Although semi-officially a lesbian bar, there are usually a handful of gay dudes there as well.  It’s laid-back and a lot of fun! (“Cookie”, you know who you are.)" -- Jeremy Rizza

Vistit vikingzombieboyfriend.com for more.

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